Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sunday Ride Report

Image result for hot weather cycling

Sunday looked like a hot one, so it was agreed to cut the ride a bit short. We had another good turnout of about 14 BG's including the very welcome return of Adam.

The trip down Port road was great and the pace gentlemanly. After the now traditional Port Adelaide flat we set off down Victoria parade. However as we approached the virtual kite the usual quick turn games commenced and Graham and I ended up briefly on the front. I tried to claim this as a lead out but as it was before the last corner I was out of luck. The first sprint was fiercely contested. Results as reported to me were   
  1. Chris
  2. Brian
  3. Sam
The wind and heat weren't to bad at this point and the pace down the esplanade was pleasant. We turned onto military road when Sam taking advantage of the red light and the BG rule that triathletes are always useful, went at the lights diving over to the left hand lane segregated off for the triathlon. The Commisar's inquiry has ruled that everyone was near stationary so all fair. However that didn't mean that the chase wasn't on. The sprint group was well up the road pursued by another group including one the vegans riders at full yellow lentil power. Sam was telling us at Evida's how fast this guy was and how our guys were trying to hang onto him. At the back Graham, Phil, Geoff and Myself formed a chase group and working like a well oiled machine, tried to limit our losses.  Up front there was a bit of action due to the other group being in the mix. By some devious means that wasn't fully explained Brian snagged the victory. The results were

  1. Brian
  2. Andy
  3. Sam
  4. David 
We stopped early at Evida's without looping down to Glenelg for a very welcome coffee and cool drinks. Brian called a return to Outer Harbor and the main group headed back by Anzac highway as it turned out.  Lets just say there was a a bit of confusion which ended up with Geoff and I having to chase down the Anzac Highway return group along Military road. We did regroup and were joined by the Vegan guy. When I asked him about the sprint and that I was told he was fast, he replied that the sprint was so fast he was having trouble hanging on to our guys and had found a good a wheel to keep him in the mix. A matter of perspective I think.