Righto team.
It's that time of the summer where the form is pretty good and the climbing legs are there (or thereabouts). We were scheduled for a Meadows Loop this Sunday, but we did that a couple of weeks ago, so instead, we are going to do a loop that we debuted just before Christmas, the reverse Cudlee Corker Monty.
Now before I hear any complaints, I was thinking we could turn this into a psychopathic PLH pretzel, where after completing Monty, we do the ranges again for a regular PLH. Really, it's not that hard is it???
I mapped it on Strava to see that it wasn't so bad, and here it is:
Oh gorgeousness and gorgeousity, these she is in her 112km and 2416 metres of beauty.
Anyway, let's leave that for a fifth Sunday of the month, and let's do this bad boy instead:
Meet in the City at 7.30am.
Meet at the Tower at 8.00am.
Estimated arrival at Cudlee Creek at 10.00am and departure at 10.30am.
Back in Norwood at 12.00pm.
There are multiple bailout options, but they shan't be required.
See you Sunday.
Did I mention March has five Sundays???