Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Hi All

Massive Kudos goes to Steve Balmer and Gavin Hornibrook for their amazing work on the BG 10th Anniversary kit.

It's now ready to roll!!!

The kit is on sale as a jersey and knicks combination for $150.00.

This order is not coming from Champion System, so we are doing the order the old fashioned way, where you need to confirm your order, pay your money and we'll then pay Gavin who will manage the production of the order.

This kit is absolutely fantastic quality for the price, and purchasing it should be considered a one time only opportunity. Don't be missing out.

Orders close at 5.00 pm on Monday 7 January 2019.

So, here is how it works:

  1. Michael R has a large size jersey and knicks at his work (33 Carrington Street in the City) - call or text Michael on 0417 828 979 to arrange a time to drop in and try them on - then work our your sizing in reference to the large.
  2. Confirm your order quantity to Michael by email (call or text to get the address if you don't have it).
  3. Michael will provide details for payment (bank transfer) when you confirm your order quantity.
  4. Make payment by 5.00pm on Monday 7 January 2019.
  5. The final paid orders will be forwarded to Gavin on 8 January 2019 and he'll get them in production.
  6. Michael R will distribute the kit once it arrives, just like our CS orders.

We do have some volume requirements to get to this pricing, so it would be great if people could get their orders in ASAP so that we know the likely volumes. Who knows, if enough people order enough kit, Santa may even decide BG has been collectively nice.

And, before someone asks, here is the front and back of the kit on a mannequin so you can see the whole thing.