Wednesday, January 22, 2020


As foreshadowed last week, we are going to do something different this weekend.

We don't appear to have any interest in the TDU Challenge Ride this year.

Anyway, we have an alternative option, which still allows people to do as they wish on Sunday.

On Saturday, the TDU route heads from Glenelg to Victor Harbour, with the second sprint being at Meadows just after midday. Some discussion has ensued, and we are proposing to visit one of our favorite locations, the Meadows bakery, for pie, custard tart and iced coffee to view the sprint.

We'll depart the city on our reverse loop FROM THE CITY at 8.30am, which will get us to Meadows around 10.30am.

We'll have a relaxing time sitting around and eating, before watching the sprint come through, and then heading off for the return trip via Mylor.

Non-riding members are more than welcome to join us at Meadows.

We've had a few already confirm their attendance, but if you haven't yet done so, could we get a show of who else is keen, so I can try to ensure sufficient baked goods are available?

Hit me up via WhatsApp or text to 0417 828 979, with a number attending (and number riding if less).

The pace will be steady, with the group waiting at the top of hills to make sure we have everyone with us.

Route is here:

See you Saturday.