Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Hi All

It’s a hard message to write, but we have agreed that the only appropriate action in the circumstances is to put BG group rides into hiatus.

Subject to any changes to restrictions imposed between now and Sunday, we encourage all BG to head out for a solo ride, post it on Strava and/or share details here.

Take it easy, this is not a time to be coming off and needing a response from our health system.

It sadly appears that there are going to be some very challenging times ahead for us. Please look after yourselves and your loved ones.

As we have seen, the WhatsApp group is often active, so keep on using it to stay connected.

There will be a time when we’ll be a in position to post a group ride again. Hopefully not even too far into the future.

We look forward to seeing everyone’s efforts on Sunday afternoon.