Friday, January 21, 2022

Sunday Ride - Outer Harbor via Anzac Hwy

 Sunday Ride - Outer Harbor via Anzac Hwy

Weather Call on Whats App: 6:45am 

Meet: 7:30 am in the City 

Route: Anzac Hwy, Seaview Rd, Esplanande, Outer Harbor and Return

Coffee at Glenelg

This Sunday was scheduled as Anything Can Happen, what did happen was ex tropical cyclone Tiffany. Apart from being an oddly sweet name for a ferocious and terrible storm it has meant Sundays weather forecast has flip flopped between great riding weather and wet season in Darwin. I have set a basic beach ride.

Anyone up for a Ride down to Williunga Hill next Saturday via Sea to Vines or Hills back roads.