Friday, October 14, 2022

Sunday Ride - Hahndorf via Freeway and BG Beers

Sunday Ride - Hahndorf via the Freeway

This Sundays Ride is Hahndorf via the Freeway. The weather looks great. Sunny, 21 degrees with light winds. Perfect for a ride and for beers afterwards at the Tower. We will see everyone out for a hills ride or failing that a beer.

Meetup: 7:30am in the City or 8:30am at the Bollards 

Route: City, Glen Osmond Rd, Old Freeway, Bollards, Aldgate Valley Rd, Mylor, River Rd, Hahndorf

Coffee:  Otto's unless Dan attends

Return: To be discussed at Coffee. We will choose a route to make a timely arrival for beers

Beer and Lunch: I have booked a table in the Tower beer garden for 12pm under Aldo. The sports bar opens after 11:30am. 

This Sunday is the Bay to Birdwood.  I know this as there will be a canary yellow Austin 7 named “Doris” leaking oil on my driveway Saturday night. We will avoid that side of the Hills.