Friday, September 13, 2024

Sunday Ride – Outer Harbor via Port Rd 15/09

 Sunday Ride – Outer Harbor via Port Rd

The weather looks good for Sunday, sunny 17 degrees, it will be a little breezy from the Southeast so we  will plan Port out and Anzac back and swap around depending on what the wind is doing.

The weather looks so nice in fact I am not scheduling a weather call. 

Meet: In the City, Hindmarsh square 

Time: 7:30 am

Route: Outer Harbor via Port Rd. Esplanade, Military, Seaview Rd

Coffee: At Glenelg

After encountering fog so thick we turned back out of the hills I made my second only attempt at the top of Kensington road last Sunday. So much for gentle hills that one hurt. That said it was a good introduction to the hills for this season. Made me think I should throw in a Lynton bike path or Sheoak Rd. To talk me out of it you need to come out on Sunday.